- What is beacon ?
- Typically Malware connects to adversary C2 periodically rather than permanent connection .
- Beaconing occurs regularly at specific intervals or at pseudorandom times , let's say it's " the call-backs of malware " .
- Cobalt Strike and Empire Frameworks frequently check-in at the C2 server through "HTTP" to retrieve commands or to send results back , this is called a beacon
- Trick for hunting (assume HTTP-based beacon): same URI for different Host names ?
- Adversary may use an agent that has multiple C2 domains configured at the agent , Like DGAs & that allows agent to be evade the normal Defensive solutions and it becomes pretty simple to remain undetected .
- Tracking URI can be acheived with http.log from BRO | Zeek NSM .
- http.log contains HTTP requests and replies .
- Splunk Query:
index=* source=http.log uri!="/" AND uri!="/favicon.ico" | stats count(host) by uri |
eval count_host=mvcount(host) | where count_host > 2
- Result : Will be 2 host or more that connect to same uri :)
- Another Trick to hunt : statistical analysis for connection sessions intervals ?
- will be discussed in another Post
- References:
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